Established: 2012
Professional Tree Surveys, Reports, Plans & Consultancy Services

Tree 21 provides tree surveys, reports and advice on trees and woodlands in relation to planning and development.
We cover all sizes of projects from domestic projects of one single tree, to large major housing developments and infrastructure projects with several hundred or thousand trees.
We can help support your project and manage the trees, from pre-acquisition, to the planning process, right through to discharge of planninng conditions and supervision of construction around trees where required.
Please contact us for further information and to discuss your requirements and we will advise accordingly!
Planning & Construction Services

Tree Survey (British Standard BS5837:2012)
Using specialist software, our surveys are efficient and cost effective. Typically, we require a topographical survey base plan provided as a .dwg file, correctly scaled and orientated to OSGB and a survey boundary. Our survey data and photographs are captured on site and uploaded to a cloud based secure server. This ensures that your data is safely stored and can be accessed at any point throughout the project.
Every tree/tree group/woodland and hedge within the site boundary is plotted on the base plan and relevant data is recorded. We always take plenty of photographs which can be extremely valuable as the project goes forward.
​The output of this tree survey is a Tree Constraints Plan, provided in .dwg and .pdf format, along with a Tree Data Schedule provided as a .pdf file. This information can be provided as a standalone BS5837 Tree Survey or within an Arboricultural Constraints Report and Subsequently used to inform an Arboricultural Impact Assessment or Arboricultural Method Statement.

Arboricultural Impact Assessment
This is the usual standard report which a Local Authority requests to support and validate a planning application as part of the consultation process when there are trees on or near the land.
The report needs to be supported by a Tree constraints Plan (tree survey plan) and a Tree Protection/Retention/Removal Plan which illustrates the design against the tree survey plan and which trees will be lost, protected and retained.

Arboricultural Constraints Report
This report provides advice and information relating to the constraints on site posed by trees. Consideration to the tree values, ground levels, hydrology, soil condition, local and wider landscapes, statutory constraints (Tree Preservation Orders & Conservation Areas), Veteran & Ancient Trees and Woodland (and the additional constraints these pose) are all covered with relevant photographs provided where appropriate.
This report is always recommended to those considering developing areas of land with many trees, or woodlands present to enable a thorough understanding of the tree constraints and development space and the limitations they may cause. This information can be invaluable further down the line.

Arboricultural Method Statement
​This document can only be provided once there is an understanding of the impact upon trees. Where higher value trees are to be retained, but there is conflict with the development layout, a Local Authority may request an AMS as a planning condition to provide specific detail on how works will be achieved without damaging retained trees.
This document provides detailed methodology and recognised engineering solutions with sequenced tasks and details on arboricultural supervision, where appropriate, to ensure any potential tree damage is minimised.
An AMS is often a request via a planning condition, however, this can also be provided up front along with the AIA, if there is tree conflict to reduce construction programme issues. We always flag this, if it becomes applicable during the AIA process.
What Our Clients Say
Paul Whale, Studio 83
""I have worked with Mike on a number of projects over the past few years and have found him to be approachable, knowledgeable, experienced and professional. He offers practical solutions to perceived difficulties and is quite willing to discuss ideas and to guide through the necessary stages of the works. He is always willing to take on board concerns with a view to overcoming difficulties before presenting his recommendations, and has advice invaluable. His reports are very detailed, technically accurate, simply explained, neat and easily readable. I have been impressed at how quickly has has acted to make sure there are no delays. If no additional information has been requested Mike has carried out the revisions without any fuss and within an agreed time schedule and fee costing.
When the reports have been presented to local Authorities consent has been able obtained with little or no changes having to be made. I would have no reservation in recommending Mike to any of my Clients and would not have any hesitation in using his services again."