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Whether you are a home owner, tenant, landowner or a duty holder at a school, business premises, housing association, local authority or other organisation, you have a duty of care to ensure the trees on your land are safe from causing harm to people of property as much as reasonably practicable.


In this litigative society it is important to undertake tree surveys and follow up any management recommendations with an audit trail in place, should any tree failure occur which causes harm.


We offer the professional services to help you meet your 'Duty of Care', and can also provide bespoke/tailormade data collection and reporting on trees to meet your needs. 

Please contact us for further details.

Tree Safety (Risk and Condition)

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Tree Risk & Condition - Site Appraisal, Tree Management Strategy & Policy

An initial site visit can be undertaken with a site check and written advice provided either in a letter or a tree strategy & policy drafted up to inform duty Holders on their responsibilities relating to trees on the site.     

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Tree Risk & Condition - Inventory Survey

This survey looks at every tree/tree group on site consistently and records them into a database and plots them on a plan with any specified recommendations. The benefits of this are that details on all trees are captured and stored in a database and data. From this information, tree strategies can be produced and using the data, the overall tree population can be assessed quickly, including number of certain species, age range and other recorded data, This information is very helpful for long term tree management on a site.

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Tree Risk & Condition - Negative Reporting Survey

This survey looks at every tree on site in the same way as an inventory survey, but only records the data on those where recommendations are made.  This is cost effective, as we are not entering data on every tree on site. The limitations are that there is no overall record of the number of trees on the site.

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Tree Survey Report, Tree Data Schedule and Tree Plan

This is the output from the survey with detailed information and recommendations, with discussion on specific trees where appropriate.  The report includes a tree data schedule of each tree recorded, with all tree specific details and a tree plan to show the location.  Each tree / tree group / hedge and woodland is given a unique reference number which can be cross referenced across the plan, tree data schedule and report. 

What Our Clients Say

Simon Cranmer, Operations Manager, Oswestry Town Council

"Tree 21 carried out an inspection of trees across our estate of publicly accessible sites, enabling us to manage risk and protect residents and visitors.

The fee quoted was reasonable and the inspections were carried out promptly.

Above all, the report and recommendations were thorough and helpful not just for managing tree safety but also prolonging the life of trees in our care."

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