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Providing Everything You Need for Tree Surveys & Consultancy.


Please feel free to call or email for advice.

Photo of Fallen Tree

Tree Risk & Condition

Services for home and building owners, tenants, landowners, schools, colleges and universities, business premises, housing associations and other organisations.  We can ensure you meet your duty of care in regard to tree risk and safety. Please contact us for further details.

Planning & Construction Surveys

We provide tree surveying, reports and advice on trees and woodlands in relation to planning and development. 

We cover all sizes of projects from domestic projects and 1 single tree, to large and major developments with several hundred or thousand trees. We can help support your project and the tree issues, from pre-acquisition and through the planning stages, right through to supervision of works.

Photo of Trees on road and construction workers
Photo of House for Sale with large tree in front garden

House Buying

When there are trees near to a home or property you are looking to buy, there are often requirements for an ‘Arboricultural Report’ as condition of the lending.


We can provide this on a basic level, or a more comprehensive report to cover not only the requirements of the lender, but to inform you as the duty holder of your responsibility on the trees within the curtilage. 

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